The 5 reasons why you need an office

The 5 reasons why you need an office

Does your organisation really need an office? Yes it does, for five reasons.   Working from home is popular for good reason – a stroll from the kitchen to the spare room can be much more appealing than a long, expensive, delayed commute to work in a dull crowded...
Top 5 ways to attract staff back to the office

Top 5 ways to attract staff back to the office

Employers world-wide are wanting staff to return to the office for a range of good reasons, including retention, collaboration, idea generation, learning and connection with the culture and values of the organisation. Here are the top five methods being employed to...
Fantastic London street art

Fantastic London street art

Below is some fantastic street art from London. Street art (not graffiti, which is text-based) is an inexpensive way to add colour, design, fun and street cred to an office. We would love to work with a client to commission a street art piece in their...
5 Amazing Offices

5 Amazing Offices

There are some amazing offices out there, which proves that others share our desire to create great workspaces. While you may not be able to emulate these offices in every detail (for budgetary or space reasons), you can take away ideas for improving your space. Why...